Grizzly Cornhole Tournament
Saturday, April 5, 2024
Start Time 3PM
at The Bolt Bar 2560 Boxwood St, Sacramento, CA 95815
Registration is $40 per team (Teams of two) for this one-day double elimination tournament.
The tournament start time will be 3 pm. All teams must check in prior to play, All players must be 21 or over.
If you don’t have a team, there will be a free agent list with contact information. We urge you to contact a free agent and register as a team. Any free agents listed four days prior to the tournament will be randomly paired and MUST register as a team.
Cornhole Courts
Boards: The boards are positioned 27 feet apart, measured from the front edge of each board.
Foul Line: The front edge of the cornhole board is the foul line
Length of Games
Traditional 21: The game shall be played to the pre-determined number of twenty-one (21) points. The first team to reach (or exceed) that amount at the conclusion of a frame is the winner.
Method of Scoring – Cancellation Scoring
In cancellation scoring, the points of one team cancel out the points of their opponent. Using this method, only one team can score in each frame. For example, if Team A scores 9 points at the top of the round and Team B scores 5 points at the bottom of the round, the 5 points get cancelled leaving Team A with 4 points for that round.
Overview of Team Play
Roshambo (Rock-Paper-Scissors) will be used to determine which team throws first. The winner of Roshambo will decide if their team or the opposing team will throw first.
Team A competes against Team B – each team is comprised of two (2) people.
Each team will stay in their designated lane for the whole game.
Opposing Players on the same side of the board will alternate pitching bags until each player has pitched all (4) of his/her bags.
The team that scores in a frame will pitch first in the next frame